Our Duty To “The Nations”
There is a difference between the duties that Christians have versus the duties that the state has. What the political left tells us is about illegal immigration is not necessarily what the Bible teaches:
It Happened In Guilford County
This was clearly wrong, and the family ultimately ought to prevail in court. Carolina Journal has additional details. Administering an experimental vaccine against someone’s will is clearly illegal. It is assault and battery:
Revoking Security Clearances
Trump’s actions were long overdue, and richly deserved:
High Stakes State Supreme Court Election
It really ought not be this way. The control of the U.S. House of Representatives ought not ride on the result of a state Supreme Court election in a state like Wisconsin. The socialists will try to steal it, however they can:
Greensboro’s High STD Rates
A new report suggests that Greensboro has the highest STD rate for cities in the state of North Carolina; and among the highest in the country (#30). How could this be the case? Issues with morality and sinfulness in the local population is obviously an issue. STD’s would not occur […]
Using Chainsaw Imagery
Good Discussion Regarding Court Injunctions
HT: Fred
How We Should Think About The Injunctions And Restraining Orders
This guy is a strong communicator:
Southern Baptist Convention “Striver Class”
This gentleman is referring to the leaders within the Convention that have tilted liberal/ progressive over the last decade. This includes folks like Russell Moore, J.D. Greear and those who are within their orbit or who otherwise support the stances they have taken: One of the big differences between me […]