Dan Bishop Again Standing Up for What is Right

Congressman Dan Bishop from North Carolina is among the twenty House Republicans who are resisting the elevation of Kevin McCarthy to the position of House Speaker. While these efforts have been criticized in some quarters, Bishop is doing precisely the right thing. The small group is using their leverage to extract important concessions regarding how the House Republican caucus is going to conduct business and lead the chamber.

Bishop is doing the state of North Carolina proud. This is a man who needs to run for US Senate in a Republican primary against Thom Tillis when the time comes.


4 thoughts on “Dan Bishop Again Standing Up for What is Right

  1. Sadly, he caved. I’m all for not allowing Kevin McCarthy ANY power, and I’m all for transparency, too. I’d like to know SPECIFICALLY what concession was good enough to make Dan Bishop (and 12 others!) cave, and SPECIFICALLY what the hold-outs want that they are not getting. This is the government of We the Peeps, and we deserve to know what is being bargained in our names.

    1. Some of these items have been reported, but many have not been, as you suggest, Lynn. Yes, Bishop did vote for McCarthy today. Perhaps I posted about him too soon. He is still better than much of what we have representing us in North Carolina, although one might argue that is not saying much. This is a worthy effort they have been engaged in, but I don’t know what the outcome will be. Might post about this later this weekend.

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