Why Were More Pregnant Mothers Dying?

A very important fact to consider is that pregnant women are at increased risk of developing blood clots.

The lefty Raleigh think tank NC Policy Watch breathlessly announced that maternal deaths in North Carolina increased more than in the country as a whole during the time interval from 2019 until 2021. This was announced as an attempt to demonstrate what we are doing in North Carolina is wrong, particularly with regard to black pregnant women.

Other articles announced the national data demonstrating a 40 percent increase in maternal deaths. Axios says it is because Covid disproportionately affected black women; and suggested the problem might have been that many pregnant black women would not take the Covid vaccine.

Let’s get back to blood clots.

Covid increases the risk of blood clots. The Covid vaccines themselves also increase of blood clots. If pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to blood clots, then it might be a good idea to protect them.

Many pregnant women received the Covid vaccine– and this placed them at increased risk of complications and death. They should not have received this vaccine product.

But for those who did not take the Covid vaccine, it would have been good if they had been offered preventive treatment. And it would have been especially good if they had been offered aggressive early treatment. But for the most part, they were not. The public health advice was to sit at home until you really got in trouble. Many physicians– especially those controlled by hospital systems– were not permitted to offer preventive or early treatment.

That is why so many pregnant women died– in North Carolina and elsewhere. This affected black women, white women and women of all other races. They were already at risk of blood clots because of their pregnancy. But then they took a vaccine that increased their risk of blood clots. Or they contracted Covid-19 which increased their risk of blood clots, but in spite of this they were not treated early or preventively.

I heard one such story during a meeting of NC Physicians for Freedom. A gentleman related how he lost his pregnant wife who had not been offered effective treatment when she contracted Covid. This happened right here in the Piedmont Triad.

Yes, Covid and the vaccine itself killed people in other ways. It was not just blood clots that killed them. But it is quite clear what happened in the case of the pregnant mothers who died.

When you view the articles from NC Policy Watch and Axios, it is brazen how the lefty establishment pushes a certain perspective in order to advance the worldview they are evangelizing. And they ignore the elephants in the room.


2 thoughts on “Why Were More Pregnant Mothers Dying?

  1. Sad.

    Lives could have been saved if only the right information had been provided to the patients.

    The left is evil. PERIOD !

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