Month: April 2023
What Drives the Transgender Movement?
The woman in this video is not a Christian or a conservative. She is, by her own description, a feminist; and she is also a liberal. However, she has certain insights and detailed knowledge regarding the larger forces that are funding and driving the transgender push, and it is well […]
Will Saddleback Decision Get Reversed?
We had discussed here recently the decision by the Southern Baptist Convention to “dis-affiliate” Saddleback Church– the megachurch that Rick Warren used to pastor for many years. This decision was made because that church began hiring and employing female pastors. Megan Basham– the journalist whose video we highlighted a few […]
What Causes Mass Shootings?
There are certainly a number of contributing factors. We have discussed here the fact that many of the shooters seem to come from single parent homes. Mental illness has also been blamed. Albert Mohler, the president of Southern Seminary– a Southern Baptist institution– has floated an explanation. He says it […]
What They Want
Theories on The Leak
The government/media line is that a 21 year old national guardsman is responsible for the leaks reported a couple of days ago. Most folks with any degree of insight understand that claim strains credulity. Check out these discussions that float a number of alternative theories (HT: Fred):
No Equivocation…
… or “beating around the bush”. Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson does it again: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Vaughn Felix (@vaughnfelixofficial)
Correct Response To School Board Shenanigans: Break Up the Guilford County School System
Recall that Deena Hayes and Jill Wilson (the race-baiting school board chairwoman and school system attorney, respectively) orchestrated a scheme to deny the county GOP’s designee for a vacant school board seat, and installed a liberal Republican instead. This was despite the passage of a statute that was supposed to […]
The Greensboro City Council’s Decision to Make Triad Stage Less Viable
There had been a major push within the Greensboro establishment to fund and build the Tanger Center as a city-owned and operated facility. Bonds put city taxpayers on the hook for interest expense. And the annual operational expenses were bound to be a financial liability for taxpayers. But this decision […]
Rubio’s Summation of Our Decline on the World Stage
I agree with what he states; and he verbalizes it very well. However, I think few people have discussed how our nation’s exporting the LGBTQ agenda around the world has alienated certain nations that have not taken leave of their senses: