Pastor Chuck Baldwin Discusses Israel and Talmudic Judaism

Pastor Baldwin is an independent Baptist minister. He once was the presidential candidate for the Constitution Party. His sermons tend to apply biblical teaching to current events and cultural questions. In the sermon below he teaches from the 8th Chapter of the Gospel according to John. He then discusses the […]

Who is Telling the Truth– Mayorkas or Tobin?

It was very interesting to learn that a lady within the Biden Administration named Katie Tobin stated openly last week that Biden’s open borders policy on illegal immigration has economic motivations. She said we need the workers. She is a “senior director for transborder security on the National Security Council”. This is to […]

Cooper’s “State of Emergency” Over Public Education

There has been quite a stir over the fact that Governor Roy Cooper declared a “state of emergency” for public education. Why? Because the Republicans in Raleigh were advancing a voucher plan whereby parents could use taxpayer dollars to send their kids to the school of their choice. Obviously, Cooper’s […]