HT: NC Renegade
Month: July 2023
Orwell’s Deathbed Warning
George Orwell was a socialist. He also was against totalitarianism and communism. This suggests some naivete on his part, because socialism inevitably degenerates to these things. This is a BBC dramatization of some of his final words:
Remarkable School Board Speech in California
America’s Current Marxist Revolution, Part 2
A couple of days ago, I excerpted a passage from a recent column by Pastor Chuck Baldwin asserting that we are in the midst of a Marxist revolution in the United States. The events of 2020– and especially the violence instigated by Black Lives Matter and Antifa– left many people […]
Cone Health System Sued Over Transgender Treatments Later Regretted
The details are found here. Prisha Mosley transitioned from female to “male” as a teenager. She had hormone treatments and also a double mastectomy. A physician who has worked for the Cone Health System is named as a defendant. Also named is Moses Cone Medical Services– a subsidiary of the […]
America’s Current Marxist Revolution
Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Folks, turn off the sports channel long enough to take a look around you and see what’s going on. America is in the throes of a socialist/Marxist revolution. The “woke,” “green energy” and gun control agendas are an integral part of that revolution. The billionaires underwriting this […]
Censoring and Vilifying RFK, Jr.
The progressive/socialist crowd has been attacking RFK, Jr. over the last week. He is charged with antisemitism because he stated that the Covid-19 virus hurt whites and blacks more that it hurt Asians and Jews. It has been a longstanding practice that people who make essentially true statements are charged […]
State Medical Society Does Not Oppose Transgender Treatments/ Surgeries for Minors
The bill in the North Carolina General Assembly that would make illegal transgender treatments and surgeries for minors was vetoed by our cultural Marxist governor, Roy Cooper. There will presumably be an override attempt, but it has been postponed. You will find here a letter from the North Carolina Medical […]
All Trails Lead to Hunter Biden (and his Dad)
Rep. Donalds did a great job questioning the witness yesterday:
Illustrating the Severity of the Problem
Ed Dowd once again demonstrates an incisive understanding of the problem with massively accelerating disabilities, which appears to be likely attributable to the Covid vaccines: