JD Greear Says Good Samaritan Story Proves Islamists Should be Able to Spread Their Religion

HT: The Dissenter

The below video highlights Durham pastor JD Greear, the former president of the Southern Baptist Convention, making the case that the Good Samaritan parable taught by Jesus Christ means that radical Islamists ought to be able to spread their beliefs here. That is, of course, a completely erroneous interpretation of the parable. The fellow with whom he is having a discussion at NC State has advocated strenuously for the Palestinian cause.

Greear’s Summit Church started up Mercy Hill Church here in Greensboro:


2 thoughts on “JD Greear Says Good Samaritan Story Proves Islamists Should be Able to Spread Their Religion

  1. I am no theologian. This parable has been the text for many of sermons and there have been lots of interpretations of it telling us the meaning. Greear’s is a stretch and should not be given any weight.

    1. “A stretch” is a good description, Fred. This type of smarmy, solicitous accommodation is cultural suicide. The fellow with whom he is speaking is a radical Islamist and Hamas cheerleader. And this took place right at NC State several years ago.

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