The Problem With Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy

Both of these individuals are of Indian descent. Both had parents who were immigrants from India. In fact, Nikki Haley’s birth name is “Nimarata Nikki Randhawa”. The United States Constitution has a clause that limits the presidency to “natural born citizens”. In order to interpret what this means, we have […]

Foxx, McHenry Vote to Refrain From Impeaching Mayorkas

Two members of Congress from North Carolina– Virginia Foxx and Pat McHenry– were among only eight Republican members who voted against an effort to impeach Mayorkas at Homeland Security. This is despite the fact that Mayorkas has repeatedly perjured himself before congressional committees and lied to members of Congress; and […]

“Community Meeting” Infuriates Friendly Neighborhood

I attended a community meeting tonight that was called by Bo Rodenbough. It was held at the Westminster Presbyterian Church. Rodenbough is an attorney with the Brooks Pierce law firm who represents Glenn Drew– the former head of American Hebrew Academy– in his efforts to rezone a property on Friendly […]

Excellent News: North Carolina Baptists Pass Strong Pro-Life, Anti-Abortion Resolution

Readers might recall I have highlighted here previously the group Abolish Abortion NC. It turns out this group has intervened with the Baptist state convention of North Carolina– now called “North Carolina Baptists”– and it passed a strong resolution in support of making abortion illegal in the state of North […]