#MeToo In The Southern Baptist Convention: Beware Leftists Taking Over Conservative Churches and Denominations

The #MeToo movement became popularized during recent years. This movement consists of women making allegations of sexual assault or impropriety against men. These allegations often turn out to be false. Many women use these type of allegations to achieve some other objective. High profile examples include Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice […]

Alabama’s Pro-Life Decision, In Vitro Fertilization and Trump

The Alabama Supreme Court issued a remarkable decision one week ago. It ruled that the embyros created in the course of in vitro fertilization (IVF) “treatments” represent human life. The justices who wrote the decision explicitly invoked the premise that God grants human life intrinsic value. Check out the details […]

Why Did The North Want To Wage The Civil War?

It was not slavery. Philip Leigh, Abbeville Institute: (T)he North was more dependent upon the domestic economy than was the South. In 1860 Southern exports totaled $214 million as compared to only $47 million from the North. Moreover, the nation’s largest manufacturing industry, cotton textiles, was concentrated in New England […]

NC GOP Chair Will Be Trump’s “Achilles Heel”

Donald Trump has endorsed or appointed establishment GOP types many times. Recall that one of these is Michael Whatley– the NC GOP chair– who Trump wants to lead the Republican National Committee. John Kane ran against Whatley for NC GOP Chair. The election was conducted by cell phone app and […]