The following article was submitted by one of our readers and commenters. He is obviously very perceptive, and had it published at the Mises Institute site: by Will Ferrell George Orwell wrote, “The slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts.” More colorfully and in […]
Month: February 2024
Remains of Aborted Babies
The below video is probably more than 30 years old. It expresses concern about finding the remains of thousands of aborted babies in a large trucking container behind a pathologist’s home in Los Angeles. Which justifies more concern– the killing of thousands of innocent babies, or the cavalier manner in […]
Who Is Behind All the Misuse of Intelligence Agencies?
We have seen it repeatedly, in various contexts:
“America Ending, Republic Ending”
Bannon points to a chart that projects annual $trillion+ deficits increasing year by year into the future. He also describes a US House of Representatives GOP conference in which certain Republicans– i.e. powerful “appropriators”– asserted there is nothing that can be done about it:
A Clash of Worldviews
Rob Reiner, readers will recall, played “Meathead” on the old All in the Family television series. He is launching a documentary intended to raise red flags about the huge boogeyman– “Christian Nationalism”– just in time for the 2024 election. He discusses this during a softball interview on MSNBC: Note that […]
Election Fraud Update
The below video depicts a Michigan state legislator questioning the president of one of the companies that manufactures voting machines. The president essentially admits that local election officials can permit machines to be connected to the internet. This is of great significance because elections can be stolen if there is […]
Malfeasance at the CDC and FDA
Dr. Steven Hatfill documents in painstaking detail the many instances of ethical and legal wrong-doing within the federal government on the matter of Covid-19 and the “vaccines”. He focuses specifically on the FDA and CDC. He says they need to be held accountable and reformed. But from a constitutional standpoint, […]
Our Current Circumstances
This is a mostly well-constructed video that is worth a look (HT: NC Renegade):
The Primary Election
Early voting has begun for the upcoming March 5 primary election in North Carolina. A multiplicity of nominations will be decided for races such as Governor; Lt. Governor; other Council of State offices; congressional seats; and NC General Assembly seats. A number of resources online can help the conservative voter […]
Europe Headed Off A Cliff
The below video describes some legal changes taking place in large European countries like Germany and Spain essentially legalizing pedophilia, bestiality and child pornography. We sometimes hear about Muslim nations in the Middle East and countries like Russia expressing opposition to some of the morally corrupt changes taking place in […]