Protest March Being Organized at UNC Chapel Hill Against Dr. Baric On Saturday

Here is the plan for Saturday, March 9 I learned from those involved with the medical freedom movement: We will be meeting at 12:00 noon at the Courthouse (known as “Peace & Justice Plaza”) located at 179 E Franklin St. The march will head west down Franklin Street and turn […]

Greensboro Police Chief’s Duty To His Superiors

The Rhino Times reported yesterday about an announcement by Greensboro Police Chief John Thompson. He said the city planned to appeal the judge’s decision to release police body cam video in connection with the violent incident at the city manager’s home. During recent years, the person filling the position of […]

Greensboro Illegal Immigrant Facility To Open By Next Friday

The News and Record reports that the facility will be “open and operational” on March 15. The announcement was made by both Mayor Vaughan, who did nothing to stop it; and Congresswoman Kathy Manning, who presumably was the facilitator for the federal government to take over this facility to further […]