Oldies but goodies. Biden attracted the negative attention of Sam Donaldson, Ted Koppel, Eleanor Clift, Mort Kondracke and other MSM figures. I particularly enjoyed the clips from the old McLaughlin Group program:
Month: May 2024
No New Normal
This was developed during the height of the Covid era but the message remains applicable today:
Odd Source of Wisdom
I never was a big Jerry Seinfeld fan. However, he has made some public comments recently that strangely resonate. His speech at the Duke graduation was good. Check this out below in which he diagnoses one of the things that is profoundly wrong with our culture. Try to tune out […]
Socialist Revealed
This woman’s ramblings show us the ultimate direction of the socialists and their designs. This is a city council member in Seattle. The venom directed toward private enterprise is palpable. This also illustrates the folly of allowing large numbers of immigrants into the county unvetted with no loyalty to the […]
The Trump Verdict
The Republicans have every reason to be afraid of the socialists. The socialists, however, have absolutely no reason to be afraid of the Republicans. I am reminded today of some of the reasons I decided four decades ago to make my home in the south after having grown up in […]
Friendly Ave. Baptist Pastor Placed on Administrative Leave
An article at the Christian Post follows up on a story we had described here recently. The corrupt Biden Justice Department is prosecuting the new pastor of Friendly Avenue Baptist Church. Understandably, the church felt the need to place this pastor on administrative leave this past weekend. There was really […]
News and Record Publishes De Facto Josh Stein Press Release
There was an interesting article this morning on the Greensboro News and Record website. It covers a visit by Josh Stein at GTCC. The article is an unequivocal puff piece. It might as well have been written by Stein’s campaign staffers. There is little question who the N&R is supporting […]
“NGO’s” and the Migrant Crisis
Non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) are being paid billions by the Biden Administration– using the taxpayers’ money– to usher illegals into the United states. Some engage in sex trafficking:
“The Science”
This is the health care deep state, the directives from which we were told we must blindly follow:
$9,000 Per Illegal
HT: NC Renegade ALERT: Every American needs to hear this. "$9000 roughly per illegal immigrant that taxpayers fronting" That's more money than we spend per Medicaid beneficiary. That's more than we spend for our veterans, in the way of military, retirement benefits. That's more than we… pic.twitter.com/f489Koop2V — Wall Street […]