Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Christians, the United States and the Palestinian Protests

I do not agree entirely with the below video.

I don’t think the Palestinian protests are to be commended when they become violent or disrupt school activities; when they consist of recent immigrants badmouthing the United States or promoting Islamic supremacy; or when they are an instrument of the left’s color revolution in the United States. I therefore disagree with Chuck Baldwin on this point.

I think fault can probably be found on both sides in this conflict between the Israeli’s and Palestinians. I think there are no virtuous combatants in this conflict, and we ought not be involved.

But Chuck Baldwin is a constitutional conservative and an independent Baptist. He has some things to say about the reaction of many prominent Christian pastors regarding this situation. I agree with him that biblical understanding has been contorted on these matters.

He also criticizes our government’s handling of this situation, which is eminently justified:


2 thoughts on “Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Christians, the United States and the Palestinian Protests

  1. That having been said I hold no brief for these proxies for the evil Mullahs in Iran. The communist protesters who shout ” Death to America “.

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