Why The Medical Journals Did Not Publish The Problems With The Covid “Vaccines”

This tweet is from Britain, but the same phenomenon occurs in the United States:


7 thoughts on “Why The Medical Journals Did Not Publish The Problems With The Covid “Vaccines”

  1. Well it is pretty simple . The vaccine world is rife with unscrupulous pay to play.

  2. We worried all those years about medicine becoming socialized, but it was collectivized in a slightly different fascist (corp.-gov. marriage) direction. This is the fruit. Thanks for posting.

  3. I have become convinced that there is some sort of mental explanation for why otherwise seemingly logical and intelligent people are doing things like hiding medical results information.

    It’s essentially the same thing that has people cheering for the Trump trial “verdict.” Any reasonably intelligent person who followed that trial should clearly see how the judge created that guilty verdict. And especially since Harvey Weinstein …an actual villain, was just released from his prison cell because of the very same biased and illegal behavior of the presiding judge. My God!!! If they can watch that occur and still think it was a proper proceeding then … well, I rest my case for the mental phenom genesis of this maaad house we find ourselves in.

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