Singing the Right Tune

Given the fact that he is a finalist in the VP stakes, it is helpful to hear the guy speak. Among the potential picks, he is the most credible “America First” candidate.

He is not perfect– not unlike Trump. He recently equivocated on the abortion issue– just like Trump. He says that America is a nation, but recall that it was referred to as a “union” during its early days– invoking the concept that the states retain significant sovereignty. But his talk nevertheless hits some good notes, and is worth hearing:


4 thoughts on “Singing the Right Tune

  1. I’ve heard JD was/is a Never Trumper, so I’m confused as to why he’s being considered.

    1. That’s a good article, TCFan. I think he most closely approximates Trumpism among the potential candidates being discussed, and would cement Trump’s legacy if he went on to become president in four years. He would be a loss in the Senate, however, because as you know the Senate GOP has few conservatives.

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