Army At “Fort Liberty” Labeling Pro-Lifers As Terrorists

Many of you have heard of this story by now.

Recall that Fort Bragg was renamed as “Fort Liberty” within the last few years. This absurdity was precipitated by the George Floyd nonsense. It was no longer acceptable to have governmental facilities named after former Confederate generals.

This is, of course, a prime example of cultural Marxism. It is a part of the Marxist cultural revolution we have been experiencing. Erasing historical memory is a major component common to gradual Marxist revolution.

When we learned that a training program at “Fort Liberty” referred to pro-lifers as “terrorists”, we could not help but conclude that this is somehow related to the renaming of the fort. After all, the same kinds of forces that renamed the fort also created the environment in which this kind of assertion could be made in the course of a training program.

Interestingly, this is the antithesis of “Liberty”. The government falsely accusing people instead represents a form of tyranny.

This same type of assertion has been made within Biden’s law enforcement/ intelligence agencies in the past. It is nothing new.

These people are truly contemptible. And it is very sad that this is happening within the state of North Carolina.
