Trump Assassination Attempt: What Went Wrong With Security?

On the scene was both the Secret Service and Pennsylvania-specific law enforcement. Trump also has some additional private security. The Secret Service, which is a division of the US Department of Homeland Security, necessarily takes a leadership role.

Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Security is Alejandro Mayorkas, a Jewish American of Cuban descent. Interestingly, his family fled Cuba after the Marxist revolution that took place there; and he is now ironically a full participant in the Marxist revolution within the United States. He had previously led the agency dealing with immigration under Obama.

The director of the Secret Service is Kimberly Cheatle, a woman whose stated qualification for this position was leading security efforts for Pepsi. Biden appointed this socialist woman nearly two years ago.

There are three possibilities for what had happened last night:

  1. Incompetent negligence. The Secret Service likely had one or more key people coordinating the planning for the event last night on the ground and overseeing it. One possibility is that they dropped the ball and did not remotely know what they were doing.
  2. Willful negligence. The Secret Service and/or the Deep State within the Biden Administration might have intentionally been lax with security arrangements understanding this would provide a window of opportunity for the assassin.
  3. Deliberate planning. This possibility would encompass the premise that the Secret Service or Biden’s Deep State planned and executed this failed assassination attempt.

It should be noted that Mayorkas was impeached by the GOP House earlier this year. Then, every single socialist Senator voted against removing him from office.

Mayorkas had repeatedly perjured himself at Congressional hearings. He was famous for “gaslighting”– i.e., telling our representatives brazen untruths in order to create a more favorable appearance.

Last night, Mayorkas said the following:

“Maintaining the security of the Presidential candidates and their campaign events is one of our Department’s most vital priorities.”

That, of course, is clearly not the case, because if that were true, then the incident would not have occurred last night.

Mayorkas is doing it again. He is lying to us.

There have been assertions made that Trump’s people had requested more protection than the Secret Service has been providing. In addition, the Secret Service has repeatedly refused to provide protection to RFK, Jr. whose father and uncle were both assassinated during the 1960’s.

I think any legitimate investigation would seek to differentiate which of the three possibilities outlined above explains what happened last night.


2 thoughts on “Trump Assassination Attempt: What Went Wrong With Security?

  1. These are the days that truly ‘try men’s souls’ and the plethora of bad actors on the current political scene, is unparalleled. Like 911, Benghazi, and J6, we the people, as usual, will never be privvy to the “why” of what happened on J13. We all have a gut-wrenching suspicion of the ‘why’ yet pray some plausible explanation will eventually bubble to the surface that we can all feel better about. I personally am not expecting to feel any better any time soon.

    1. Jan, there are multiple dimensions to what happened, the various failures and the potential bad actors. I suspect the truth, if known, would be deeply heartbreaking and disillusioning for a whole lot of people.

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