Raleigh Republicans In Milwaukee

It is inevitable that some of the Republicans who serve in the General Assembly are attending the Republican National Convention this week.

Their “short session” had recently adjourned, but there is apparently a plan to reconvene within the next few months perhaps.

A couple of examples should be offered regarding the recent session, however. The Republicans passed a horrible anti-semitism bill that adopts the definition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance; and it was signed into law. They therefore potentially criminalized free speech… even when it might be true, accurate speech.

But they failed to pass a measure that would require county sheriffs to report illegal aliens in their custody to ICE. Thus, officials like former Guilford County Sheriff BJ Barnes could continue to protect illegals.

Perhaps if the Raleigh Republicans are in Milwaukee this week, they will learn from Trump how to grow a backbone and muster some courage to do the right thing on a host of issues.


2 thoughts on “Raleigh Republicans In Milwaukee

  1. I agree, TCfan, wholeheartedly. The national party is not a paragon of conservatism, but in some respects the state party’s representatives have turned further left than the national party!

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