859 Car Thefts In Greensboro This Year As Of One Week Ago

This is police data, but the number seems awfully high.

After all, there are only about 120,000 households in the city of Greensboro. That means each household has nearly a 1% chance of having a vehicle stolen over a period of 6.5 months. Again, that seems awfully high.

Of course, the cars stolen affect those who are here from out of town as well as people who actually live here.

This massive number of stolen cars clearly represents some kind of organized effort. But it arouses concern on at least a couple of levels. First, what can Greensboro citizens expect in the future? And second, what does this say about the moral tone of the people among us?

We don’t have much police protection. That is fairly well known.

It might be best to drive junker cars at this point if you live in Greensboro.
