Drama At the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

Let’s recall that this is the lobbying arm of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) — i.e., the division that is supposed to communicate to government and to policymakers the Christian worldview that ought to guide their actions.

Recall further that the Ethics and Religious Commission (ERLC) within the SBC has taken a sharp turn to the political left over the last decade.

Earlier this week, we had a curious series of events reported. Check this out:

  1. Brent Leatherwood, the ERLC’s president, issued a public statement praising Joe Biden for his decision to refrain from running for re-election. He made Biden out to be like George Washington because it was so admirable that he was willing to walk away from power.
  2. Action was taken by the chairman of the ERLC’s Board of Trustees, Kevin Smith, to fire Leatherwood.
  3. Very quickly, Leatherwood was reinstated to his position; and Smith resigned his position. Smith claimed he acted alone with his effort to fire Leatherwood, and that the action violated the ERLC’s bylaws.

Obviously, this is a mess on several levels.

Smith is African-American; and is not a conservative. It is unclear precisely what dynamics might have led to the initial decision to fire Leatherwood, or how that might have happened. Jon Harris offers some extended commentary (start around 29:50).

Regardless of the circumstances, this entire series of events does not inspire confidence.
