Conflicted Media Says Cooper Great VP Candidate Because of NC’s Hot Economy

The corrupt regional media is extremely enthusiastic about the possibility that Roy Cooper might be Kamala Harris’ running mate.

I have seen them adopt a certain interpretation at least two or three times over the last week. They say Cooper is a great potential VP candidate because North Carolina’s economy has been so strong.

Of course, Cooper has nearly nothing to do with the relative strength of North Carolina’s economy compared with other states. In fact, that credit must go to the Republican General Assembly’s work from 2010 through 2020. They kept a lid on spending and improved the state’s balance sheet. Yes, Cooper threw around corporate incentives (i.e., corporate welfare), but even that had been appropriated by the General Assembly.

The media is trying to bolster Cooper’s prospects for the vice-presidency by circulating a narrative that is completely false– i.e., that he can take credit for the fact that the state is doing better than many other states. In fact, if he and the rest of the socialists were left to their own devices, we would be doing much more poorly. And in fact, when they were in control until 2010, things were much different. We were not ranking #1 or #2 among the states back then.

Sadly, we cannot take what the regional media reports in North Carolina at face value. They want Cooper to get chosen so badly that they can taste it.
