Greensboro’s Socialist Crowd Flexing Their Muscles

A couple of interesting items appeared in the local paper this week regarding some of the numerous prototypical Greensboro socialists that surround us.

First, a group of far-left “pastors” convened to express their concerns about Mark Robinson’s statements regarding abortion and homosexuality. The reality that they take positions clearly opposed to biblical teachings does not deter them even remotely. I have pointed out in the past that we do not have comparable groups of conservative pastors advocating in the public square in our region. Therefore, the religious left is unopposed in Guilford County.

Second, Senator Elizabeth Warren visited local socialists to rally them this election season. Once again, the High Sacrament of abortion is invoked. Readers might recall that, about a decade ago, Warren fraudulently represented that she had significant Native American roots. She pulled this maneuver to earn street credibility in the political circles in which she travels.

These folks indulge themselves in their progressive/socialist idolatry. They earn the positive attention of our local media which takes the stance that there is no need to present an alternative point of view. It’s all a hot mess, unfortunately.
