Josh Stein Goes After Elon Musk PAC, Not Socialist Fraudsters

Let’s recall a bit of history.

During the last month or so, we have learned that illegal aliens are being registered to vote in North Carolina. Apparently one or more organizations has been engaged in an effort to get them registered.

Also, we have recently learned that ActBlue is reporting political contributions from North Carolina citizens that are much higher than they actually were. That means that money is being laundered through that organization illegally to support socialist candidates.

Josh Stein is our state Attorney General and is the democratic socialist running for governor.

This week, we learned that Stein is investigating a PAC formed by Elon Musk to support Donald Trump on certain technicalities.

However, we have not learned that Stein is going after ActBlue; or that he is investigating the parties who are registering illegal aliens to vote.

Imagine that. His selective use of the resources of his office to go after Musk, and to ignore socialist-aligned fraud, borders on being criminal.
