432,000 “Phantom Voters” In North Carolina

Below you will find a jarring interview with Jay Valentine, a principal in a company called Fractal. He is very active in election integrity issues.

He uses quantum technology to investigate the voter registration rolls in various states. He concludes that numerous states have hundreds of thousands of fraudulent registrations.

He states that progressive-socialist Non-governmental Organizations (NGO’s), including one affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party, are using non-residential addresses— businesses, empty buildings and the like– as the residential addresses to enable fraudulent ballots.

The video reveals there are 432,000 “phantom voters” representing fraudulent registrations in the state of North Carolina, including 160,000 with invalid, non-residential addresses. Remain mindful that the left uses a variety of techniques to commit election fraud. Valentine is only speaking of one or two of them. But he warns that Trump’s campaign and the national GOP are overlooking this issue, and thus these fraudulent ballots will be counted unless something is done.

His websites are FractalWeb.app and Omega4America.com.

Below is the video. I highly recommend watching this starting at the 16:50 mark:
