Alamance School Board Caves To Biden Transgender Rules

Alamance County is much more conservative than Guilford County. However, the people who find their way on to school boards tend to be part of the education establishment.

It is fairly shocking that this board voted 6-1 to comply with Biden’s transgender rules. That means female Alamance students must dress, shower and use the rest room with biological males.

What could they be possibly thinking?

Of course, it’s the money– i.e., lots of it. If they don’t comply, federal education dollars are at risk of being cut off.

Yes, there are likely at least one or two cultural Marxists on the school board who would ordinarily be inclined to support Biden’s policy. But money is a powerful motivator, especially within public education.

Nonetheless, the fact that Alamance has gone along with this atrocity is a tragic indicator.
