Malignant Covid Vaccine Cover-Up

During early 2021, they conspired to refrain from telling physicians and the general public that the COVID vaccines were associated with serious, varied adverse effects in large numbers of people:


8 thoughts on “Malignant Covid Vaccine Cover-Up

  1. I can’t imagine that POTUS would have let this kind of information go quietly into the night and I’d like to see the proof of that. Since this is one person’s unsubstantiated testimony, I would need more solid evidence of that claim. I could absolutely see it going up the chain and stopping before 45 had any knowledge of this but on the other hand, he never demanded that anyone take the death shot, unlike 46. It was offered and available but never required under 45. You lost your job, your rights and all if you didn’t yield to the ire of 46.

    1. Jan, I don’t think Trump was aware of this information; and I don’t think that Naomi Wolfe is alleging that he was. Instead, she maintains this information became evident sometime during early 2021 after Biden has assumed office; and his White House was aware– as well as his NIH and CDC. She has a great deal of documentation because of a Freedom of Information lawsuit.

      Who was aware when Trump was president? At the very least, the folks at Pfizer. Perhaps folks within the FDA, CDC, NIH and Dept of Defense.

  2. Thanks so much for posting this important clip. The HighWire and Naomi Wolfe have been real heroes in bringing out truth. We support the HighWire financially and encourage others to as well.
    They are fighting a Herculean battle against the Orwellian US oligarchy–that incestuous marriage bed in which Pfizer/Moderna/CIA/CDC/FDA/regime media lie and lie and lie.

  3. I find it interesting that this revelation came from Israel, the same country that the Biden incompetents have scolded before every one of their battlefield successes.

    Is this any different from the Biden Nazi’s indicting the New York Democrat Mayor after he complained about immigrants taking over his constituency’s public parks and citizen programs.?

    Today’s democrat party leaders are shysters who use the lack of education they have provided to the children in our large urban center, as a weapon against them as they pound their propaganda of hate, 24/7 in the main stream media.

    Unless I was wrong, of course

    1. No, you are right, Steve.

      It’s important to note that this information was provided to Biden’s people almost immediately before they enacted their mandates whereby large numbers of citizens were required to take the vaccine or face consequences. So they knew it was harmful, and then they forced it on people.

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