Upcoming Election Recommendations, Part 2

First things first. The NC Family Policy Council voter guide is found here; and it contains information about candidates. The NC Values Coalition iVoterGuide can be accessed here with more candidate information.

I will address the presidential race first.

Donald Trump is not a consistent social conservative or constitutional conservative, but he is much better than Kamala Harris. Voting for Harris risks sending the United States further into a Marxist quagmire from which it will be very difficult to extract ourselves. (Arguably, we are already there.)

Trump will overall be better for Christians than Harris because he will be at least somewhat better on religious liberty issues even though he is a supporter of gay rights. He also rightfully takes credit for the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

The Constitution Party candidate, Randall Terry, will likely be a more consistent Christian conservative– and constitutional conservative– than Trump. For those unable or unwilling to vote for Trump, and for those who feel led to do so, I encourage a vote for Randall Terry.

The race for governor of North Carolina is very important. Of utmost importance is assuring that Josh Stein is not elected to this office because he is a socialist and a cultural Marxist. He has a horrendous record as Attorney General.

Mark Robinson is much better on the issues that Josh Stein; and is the best hope for assuring that Stein does not become governor.

Robinson during recent weeks has proved his mettle by engaging in intensive coordination of relief efforts to western North Carolina while his opponent– Stein– sat on his tail. I am particularly appreciative of the support Robinson has extended over the last several years to the medical freedom movement in North Carolina.

I have expressed previously that I am not sure about the recent allegations against Robinson. These have all the indications of a political sting operation– i.e., a planned “October surprise”.

It is very interesting that a very worthy competitor– Vinnie Smith-– is the Constitution Party’s candidate for governor. It is particularly important that Smith secure at least two percent of the total vote for governor because that will secure the Constitution Party ballot access in the future in the state of North Carolina. If you find yourself unwilling or unable to vote for Mark Robinson, please do not vote for Josh Stein. Instead, cast your ballot for Vinnie Smith. And by all means, vote for Smith if you feel led to do so.

The US House of Representatives race in District 6 is interesting because there is no democratic socialist candidate. Addison McDowell, the Republican candidate, is running against Constitution Party candidate Kevin Hayes.

I have known Kevin Hayes for more than a decade; and I can recommend him without reservation. He is a strong Christian conservative and constitutional conservative.


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