Below you will find the video for the Free and Equal debate that took place last night. It was a marathon that ran for three hours. I watched the first two hours.
Chase Oliver was the Libertarian candidate. He was very strong on issues related to debt, spending and the constitutional limitations that should be placed on the federal government. He was very weak on immigration and abortion. He is an LGBTQ character.
Jill Stein, the Green candidate, is fairly indistinguishable from the democratic socialists. You can think of her as a Jewish, more articulate version of Kamala Harris.
Randall Terry, the Constitution Party candidate, was right about nearly everything. He drew the ostracism of the other candidates and the audience when he accurately characterized Islam.
Here is the video:
How did Randall Terry do ?
I thought he did great. I hope a fair number of people were aware of it and watched at least part.