The Attack On Mark Robinson and The Left’s “Ideals”

Some of you have likely seen the democratic socialist video ad that came to light over the last couple of days.

It features a young adult male in bed viewing his cell phone while he is obviously pleasuring himself beneath the bed covers. I will not post it here because of the nature of the content, but it can be viewed here lest any reader have doubt about this.

An older figure appears and tells the young man that the Republicans are going to take his porn away; and this has the effect of antagonizing him.

On one level, the premise is ridiculous because, during the last 25 years since the advent of internet porn, the Republicans have done virtually nothing about it.

But the video also offers some context regarding the recent attacks on Mark Robinson.

Recall that CNN reported that Robinson had visited certain sites and posted there years ago. The network had obviously been fed this information by political players out to sink Robinson’s candidacy. While the truth of these charges has not been settled, let’s consider the juxtaposition.

On the one hand, the socialists use a video ad warning young men that their internet porn is going to be taken away by the Republicans. On the other hand, there is an attempt to sack a Republican candidate over his alleged use of the same product.

The democratic socialists are in favor of pornography. It is entirely consistent with their mindset and worldview that includes sexual liberationism and moral relativism. And they are perfectly happy that internet porn makes young men less likely to marry and form families.

In this context, they ought to be overjoyed at the prospect that a Republican candidate might have used pornography. After all, it is something they support.

The political ad that features the young man using porn is proof that the hit job on Robinson was a cynical political ploy, and was not based on any real concern over his allegedly using the product.
