4 thoughts on “How Cokie Roberts’ Father Died

  1. “[J. Edgar] Hoover lied his eyes out to the [Warren] Commission, on Oswald, on Ruby, on their friends, the bullets, the gun, you name it…” –Warren Commision member Congressman Hale Boggs

    (Supported by fellow member Sen. Richard Russell: “We have not been told the truth about Oswald.”)

    1. It’s pretty remarkable to consider how dark this picture is. I hope, Healey, at least some of our concerns are unfounded. But it’s pretty clear these Deep State agencies need to be cut down to size. And we can probably safely eliminate many of the intelligence agencies at the federal level. How many are there– 16?

  2. I have visited the Begich-Boggs center at Portage, Alaska. Begich along with Hale Boggs’s were in a plane that crashed . Their bodies were never found, This is rather off topic but it is a fascinating story.

    1. I didn’t know there was such a center. Although I knew Roberts’ dad was a congressman, I did not know he died under such circumstances, and that he had taken on the Deep State way back then. Interesting stuff.

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