Incoherence Regarding Abortion

I agree with everything Michael Knowles says in the video below. But there is one issue he does not explore that even further illustrates how conflicted the prevailing culture’s position is regarding abortion.

The man who fed this woman the abortion pill was presumably the father. If the woman had chosen unilaterally to abort her own baby, she would have faced no consequences. But since the presumed father made this decision, he will face imprisonment. That difference in the manner they would be treated is an incoherent injustice that cannot be morally or ethically justified:

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2 thoughts on “Incoherence Regarding Abortion

  1. That man killed a baby and yes the outcome is incoherent,

    Genesis 9:6
    “Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed; For in the image of God He made man.”

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