A very good article is in the most recent issue of Family NC magazine published by the NC Family Policy Council. It describes how the interests of children are increasingly under attack.
Think about the ways in which American culture and all levels of government– federal, state and local– have adopted pagan-like approaches impacting kids severely that elevate the interests (and preferences) of adults over the interests of children:
- No-fault divorce
- Increasing out-of-wedlock births, and incentivizing them
- Same-sex marriage leading to same-sex adoptions
- Abortion
- In vitro fertilization
- Imposing transgender “treatments” on minors
- Adopting transgender “rights” for kids’ bathrooms, locker rooms, libraries and sports
- Sex education
- Easy availability of pornography and lurid imagery
- Widespread cell phones
- Access to social media
- During Covid, prolonged school closures, prolonged masking in schools and giving kids the Covid “vaccines”. For example, check out this resource that demonstrates the problems for kids associated with the Covid vaccine (HT: Fred)
- Over-vaccination in general
- Spiritually dark mass media
The article comments that Katy Faust has written a book called Pro-Child Politics. She argues– and I agree- that the best interests of children must take precedence over whatever adults might prefer, and over the interests of adults.
She states:
The strong are to protect the weak. And when it comes to the cultural, economic, and national issues that garner attention during election seasons, it is always the adults who are strong and children who are weak
As I explain in my just published book, Pro-Child Politics, every political issue can and should be viewed through the lens of child protection. We need to understand how children are harmed when we get culture, economics and national issues wrong. And why a posture of child-protection helps us to get it right.
Children are under attack. Adults, especially Christian adults, must step up to their defense.
It should be noted that Ms. Faust does not appear to be advocating for an expanded welfare state.
The author is sending the correct message. Our children should not be abandoned but protected. The future is at stake.
It’s turned out to be a horrible world for kids, Fred, because adults have made such bad decisions. It is the sinfulness and selfishness of adults, expressed in their politics and their personal decisions, that led to this situation. But there are even darker forces at play also.