The First Summerfield Couch Rezoning

David Couch received his first rezoning from the socialist-dominated Guilford Board of County Commissioners last night. 83 acres (out of 970) are being rezoned for General Business. The News and Record reports.

The rezoning does not include multifamily housing on his land. That might come later– and it appears he will pursue this– but it would require more rezoning.


4 thoughts on “The First Summerfield Couch Rezoning

  1. Sadly, this idea of the urbanization of rural parts of the country began under Obama. He perceived, and rightly so, that urban communities are more diverse both racially and economically, while rural communities tend to retain their disproportionate white populations. Driven by the notion that “white flight” was the culprit of this disparity, 44 set out to level the farm through legislation that would clear the way for developers to be incentivized to build higher density, more affordable housing in rural America. Instead of recognizing the fact that rural, farming communities have historically been populated by generations of white, European descendants who brought their rural culture with them some 300 years ago. I guess Michelle nailed it when she told America that her husband’s presidency was going to require us to “change our history… to move in another direction”
    We are now the unenthusiastic recipients of the birth pains of this change here in northwest Guilford County.

    1. I agree, Jan. Obama was determined to shatter whatever status quo’s were in place. We can also thank the GOP-controlled NC General Assembly for this fiasco.

      Unfortunately, the kind of folks living in Summerfield have NOBODY sticking up for them.

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