… they conveniently overlook certain facts– that unelected people have been running Biden’s White House; and that the socialists themselves are joined at the hip with many more lefty billionaires and corporate interests:
Musk, like Trump, is not perfect. But VDH points out that there are other similarities, and has an interesting perspective on why the socialists hate Musk:
Can anyone tell me what Soros wants ? Power, right. Musk is a savior doing what he does for love of country.
Yes, Fred, Soros wants power. And he wants pure socialism and cultural Marxism and open borders.
Musk was already feeding at the government trough in various ways. He did not have to align himself with Trump to do that. It was part of what made him so wealthy. It’s hard to see what he personally had to gain from deepening his political involvement. As you suggest, he retains some semblance of right and wrong in service of what is best for the country and its future.
Well said by both. Nassim Talleb describes the trait VDH ascribes to Musk and Trump as being “anti-fragile”–benefiting from stress and challenge.
“Musk…feeding at the government trough” might be a little off the mark. He has made abundant uses of existing govt subsidies and sold his services to government, but unlike so many who literally have fed at the trough ( SunPower, Pink Energy, MC Solar & many, many others now bankrupt), Musk has always provided products that are net beneficial.
Fair enough, Healey. The point is that he did not make his money in a robust free market. That is not to suggest that his skills are not considerable, and that his contributions are not beneficial.
We need to be very suspicious whenever the left attacks. It seems inadequate to describe their attacks as a double standard, because their entire political existence, it seems, is based and rooted in double standards.