“Wake Up Guilford County”: The Next Round Of Property Tax Increases

Scott Yost has an article in the Rhino Times that projects Guilford County will raise our property taxes again with the next round of property revaluations. They do this by refusing to adjust the tax rate downward to compensate for the increases in valuations.

Of course, Skip Alston and his minions like nothing more that to have a bigger pot of money to waste and fritter away.

A commenter in response to this article on the Rhino site has the following comment packed with important information. It points out our property taxes in Guilford County are much higher than in Wake County or Mecklenburg County:

The property tax rate is $0.73 per $100 in Guilford County for 2025 vs $0.49 per $100 in Wake county vs $0.53 per $100 in Meck County. Median family income in Guilford County is about $65 K vs $103 K in Wake vs about $85K in Meck county. Guilford has the lowest median family income of the 3 largest counties in NC and yet has the highest property tax rate by a huge amount. The poverty rate in Greensboro is about 18%. Remember that property owners are not going to eat that property tax but will pass thru to renters. Many renters in Greensboro with only about 53% of homes being owner occupied vs the state at around 65%. The homeless population jumped by 42% in Greensboro from January 2023 to 2024. Wake and Meck counties jumped by about 8-9%. The state was up about 19%.
Guilford County, North Carolina has a 14% eviction rate, which is the fourth highest in the state. The North Carolina Housing Coalition ranks counties from 1 to 100, with 1 being the highest eviction rate and 100 being the lowest.
If you buy a new car at the average price of $47,000, you will pay $120 per year more in property taxes for that car in Guilford County than you will in Wake County. For a $$300K house, you will pay about $750/year more in property taxes.
One in five citizens in N.C. are now over the age of 65. They are on fixed incomes with the average Social Security being about $1900/month. Only 10% have pensions. Savings average under $200K. Of those over 75 years of age, about 81% are women living alone. COLA (cost of living annual increases) are about 2.5%.
The over 65 age is the fastest growing population in N.C. The citizens of Guilford County cannot afford to continue this pace of spend, spend, spend by this Democrat controlled Board, especially with inflation over the past few years the worst it’s been in 40 years. Property taxes are up. Auto and home insurance is up. Heating/cooling bills are up. Grocery bills are up. The people are struggling and the Board continues merrily on their way.
Thank you Democrat controlled Guilford County Board of Commissioners…..NOT!!


2 thoughts on ““Wake Up Guilford County”: The Next Round Of Property Tax Increases

    1. It’s getting more and more socialist, Fred. By the way, I noted today Durham, NC is implementing a Universal Basic Income program. North Carolina socialists have captured the metropolitan areas, and are making a huge mess of things.

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