How Justice Allison Riggs Took The Lead Against Judge Jefferson Griffin

Skip Stam has an article that discusses the ongoing NC Supreme Court race. (HT: Carolina Plott Hound)

Stam makes the point that Riggs seized on a decision in a civil court case in which Griffin opined that life begins at conception. With the enormous amounts of campaign fundraising at her disposal provided by socialist megadonors, she was able to launch a relentless TV advertising campaign against Griffin.

Stam states: “Voters and influencers should think carefully about this when selecting primary candidates who are bound to implode.”

I think this is a bit unfair. It should be noted, however, that Griffin had limited television advertising. I had a chance to see his TV pieces; and unfortunately, that advertising was not terribly appealing or effective.

It would be useful to take a look at Griffin’s ads, and compare them, for instance with the effective ads Justice Paul Newby has run in the past.

When you are fighting a Goliath money machine, you must make the best use of the limited resources you have available to you.

Remain mindful this race is not yet decided.


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