Sex Crimes By School Personnel

For a period of nearly ten years, a North Carolina blogger named A.P. Dillon compiled reporting about a touchy subject that does not nearly get enough attention. It concerns sex crimes against minors committed by public school teachers, principals and other school personnel here in the state of North Carolina. (HT: Carolina Plott Hound)

Other types of sex crimes get huge amounts of attention and are used to justify beating various drums. But this particular type of sex crime is not treated as if it represents some type of overarching issue.

But it does.


2 thoughts on “Sex Crimes By School Personnel

  1. All sex crimes committed on children should be prosecuted as Type G felonies.

    I hate to say so but this behavior will always be with us.

    1. I think it is much more common than it used to be, Fred, especially with regard to adult women within school systems seeking relations with males who are minors. That used to be rare– indeed, taboo– and now it is common.

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