Beware THC Products

With the profusion of various types of THC products being made available commercially (hemp, Delta 8, CBD, others), it has not been unusual for unsuspecting customers to get sick in various ways or even to test positive on drug tests. Recall that THC is the active ingredient also found in marijuana. Folks can get into various kinds of trouble, in part because the THC content in these over-the-counter products can be quite variable:


4 thoughts on “Beware THC Products

  1. States will do what states will do whatever their populace affirmatively votes for.

    This is more than the camel’s nose under the tent.

    1. Yes, I agree, Fred that this is potentially a big deal– especially in the lives of individuals. But it is also a stealth method of introducing a marijuana “high” in the marketplace without it being marijuana.

  2. We have very close family friends who was using 1/4 of a Delta 8 gummy for sleep until the wife started experiencing psychotic episodes, seizures and days of hospitalization. She is now under a doctor’s care, still having periods where she cannot function at all. This stuff is dangerous and we’ve seen it up close and far too personal.

    1. Wow, I hope she recovers further, Jan. My most direct experience with the issues with these products is when folks fail drug tests and are completely unsuspecting that could happen. That messes people up from the standpoint of jobs and careers.

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