4 thoughts on “Plain Speaking About The War

  1. Interesting insights. I see this morning that John Hood and Tillis have expressed themselves on the Neocon Darkside, not acknowledging that the Obiden apparatus fomented this war.

    Russia for 30 years has made clear that putting NATO missiles aimed at it on its border (like Soviet missiles in Cuba in 1962 aimed at us) was its line in the sand. The US ruling class knew that and has dishonestly hidden the obvious, hidden the corrupt, tyrannical nature of the Ukrainian regime, etc.

    1. Yes, Healey, this is yet another example that Tillis as US Senator is a huge mistake.

      I agree with your comments about Russia and Ukraine. I think there are still large portions of the US population who are ignorant of all these circumstances.

  2. There will always be low intelligence voters but I believe that Trump will work out a deal both sides will accept.

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