“Confucious Classrooms” In NC Public Schools?

A pretty shocking report from the John Locke Foundation reveals that a former Republican Superintendent of Public Instruction– Mark Johnson– signed an agreement with the Chinese Communist Party to bring “Confucious Classrooms” to public schools in the State of North Carolina.

We need to know more about how widespread this program was, and to what extent it reached the classrooms in the various school districts throughout the state. It would also be warranted to understand precisely what was being taught.

What is wrong with these people? Such decisions reveal such an astonishing lack of judgment that it is justified to question whether public officials are getting paid off.


One thought on ““Confucious Classrooms” In NC Public Schools?

  1. I don’t know if anybody is being paid off but if not I am sure the Chi Coms are grateful for our stupidity.

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