There is an entire web of institutions, mostly in the Triangle and Triad regions of North Carolina, that rely upon funding and grants from the federal government for medical research and other types of scientific research. These include our academic medical institutions but also other entities.
I saw a couple of articles yesterday suggesting that individuals within these entities– and the institutions themselves– are beginning to squawk over the cuts. In addition, the media/left complex is attempting to make the case this will hurt our regional economy.
Examples of such reports are found here and here.
Remain mindful that Ralph Baric at UNC has been one of the beneficiaries of such funding. But there are many other examples.
We won’t miss what they take away. Let them holler like stuck pigs (-:
Great example of unconstitutional federal spending, Fred.
Parasites never willingly leave a living host.
Great analogy, JayCee. Somehow, I think our state can survive without this bit of federal money.