It is very interesting that the Raleigh Republicans are attempting to advance a bill that would eliminate the need for electrical utilities to meet a carbon reduction goal by 2030.
It was these same Republicans who had passed a bill several years ago ENACTING this goal. Last year, they clarified via legislation that the new energy mix must be consistent with keeping electric bills down.
It was a pretty stupid idea to get into these carbon reduction schemes in the first place.
It ain’t going to happen.
I hope it passes, Fred. But you need 2/3 to override Stein.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I’ve written my Senator. The present mandate will hurt us all and make the state poorer.
Healey, it has arguably begun doing that although the public is largely unaware. A fair number of coal generating plants were retired unnecessarily in our state, and now we are having to build new capacity. The effect on rates is obvious.