Greensboro’s High STD Rates

A new report suggests that Greensboro has the highest STD rate for cities in the state of North Carolina; and among the highest in the country (#30).

How could this be the case?

Issues with morality and sinfulness in the local population is obviously an issue. STD’s would not occur if folks would confine themselves to one partner and follow God’s plan for sexuality, family and reproduction.

But in practical terms, the fact that Greensboro is a majority-minority city is a major factor. STD rates tend to be much higher in the black community.

Interestingly, the media/left complex locally has historically tended to regard Greensboro as politically virtuous.


2 thoughts on “Greensboro’s High STD Rates

  1. I suppose 30th place is better than first . I was unaware that gonoerrhea was still around. My last memory of it was in Korea (1955-1956 ) when I was assigned to a USMC unit as Hospital Corpsman. I saw more than just a few cases. I used an IM of penicillin as a therapeutic agent It was the gold standard treatment back then .

    I was also ignorant that syphilis’ was causing stillbirths and infant deaths.

    There are plenty of ways of attacking this epidemic, It is a matter of education and of course and follow God’s plan for sexuality, family and reproduction. .

    1. Wow, Fred, I did not recall that you had been a corpsman in the Marines in Korea!

      This problem has been known and understood for decades; but the at-risk populations don’t change their behavior. In some respects, the availability of treatment makes it less likely they will change their behavior.

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