Southern Baptist Convention Allowing Churches With Female Pastors

The details are shared by the Dissenter.

Nate Schlomann explains that the Convention rejected the Law Amendment at its national meeting last year. Allowing churches with female pastors is the inevitable consequence of that decision.

This is what happens when you have borderline progressive SBC presidents elected over a period of nearly a decade appointing people to committees whose orientation is not primarily biblical. It is also what happens when you allow employees of the various “entities”– missions boards, seminaries, etc.– to vote at the annual meeting; and when the individual member churches do not step up, attend, vote and lend a prophetic voice.

My concern is that the Southern Baptist Convention is circling the drain, and following the pattern established decades ago by the various liberal mainline denominations. This is the formula for the slow, gradual death of a denomination.


2 thoughts on “Southern Baptist Convention Allowing Churches With Female Pastors

  1. From what I read , the SBC is experiencing a slow death. The feckless Credentials Committee needs its wings clipped.

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