

8 thoughts on “Extraordinary

  1. This was an Extinction Level Event (ELE); nuclear bomb-type destruction.
    I predict US/Europe foreign relations and policy will be massively altered for the foreseeable future.
    How long and in which direction (good or bad) remains to be seen.

    1. It appears, Jaycee, that Zelensky’s meeting with European leaders earlier this week during which he got guarantees they will continue to support him soured the deal. If the EU powers keep this going, and they get attacked by Russia, are we obligated to come to their defense? This is a huge test of the NATO alliance.

      Your prediction seems pretty plausible at this point.

  2. The disrespectfulness of his costume is annoying. It isn’t like he just came from a foxhole–I suppose that is the intended message–and didn’t have time to change. This war has made him fabulously wealthy. His big-boy seat in the back of that black SUV/limousine is probably diamond-studded. 😉

    With Zelensky rejecting the commercial deal, if the US could simply wash its hands of this war (in the opposite hemisphere from where we live) and turn off the spigot, it would take care of itself.

    1. Then it would be up to Europe, Healey, as to whether the war continues. And I agree– Zelensky is a contemptible figure who scuttled a peace deal that could have worked a couple of years ago. He wants to keep fighting because he perceives that he is protected.

  3. Yesterday’s blowout meeting at the WH presents a fascinating puzzle of enormous proportions. Was it all planned and did the actors follow the scripts they were given, often overacting the role as most amateurs tend to do when suddenly asked to playact or was it a foreign policy lapse of gargantuan magnitude?

    Besides these two choices, there are several, perhaps more than several, potential conspiracy theories to explore by the more dramatic among us. For example, was this a programmed fiasco engineered by disgruntled CIA operatives looking to embarrass and hurt the POTUS and his VPOTUS?

    One of the routine jobs of every CIA operative working overseas, whether in a disclosed or undisclosed (secret) status, is to biograph the leaders of the host government. No detail is omitted. I have read these reports in the past and they contain medical information, family information, relationships with known and unknown (secret) persons, romantic liaisons, if any, and of course all the relevant physical stuff, home location, bank accounts, political leanings, etc. In short, these reports are free-flowing and the authors are encouraged to record any and every detail about the leader that might be relevant to their relationship and value to the United States.

    Consider the fact that the reports for Zalenskyy and his comrades were probably the product of CIA operatives working in the Biden administration. The report may have reflected a pliant and subservient Zalenskyy who probably never heard a discouraging word from Biden or his lackeys. That Zalenskyy walked into a buzzsaw yesterday and he was unprepared to meet Trump as Trump was to meet him.

    Someone (or someones) surely dropped the ball and caused a diplomatic fiasco of unparalleled dimensions. The cleanup of the FBI, already started and reaching a crisis of sorts last week with the NYC AD thumbing his nose at the AG, informs us that a similar cleanup of the FBI’s “sister” agency, CIA, is also needed, the sooner the better.

    On the other hand, Trump is an excellent deal maker and showed us that over the years on many occasions. He is of the Kenny Rogers school of management and knows when to fold up and walk away. Remarkably, he told Zelenskyy yesterday that he, Zalenskyy, “have no cards.” Zalenskyy’s retort that “we’re not playing cards,” was indicative of the fact that he was playing way over his level.

    I’m sure that you, like most of us, have had occasion to walk into a deal in which you know that you must emerge with something, whether it was a house offer or closing or buying a car, etc. When the dealer knows you need the house or the car, that becomes an overwhelming influence on the conditions of the deal. On the other hand, if the dealer knows or believes that you don’t need the house or car but would like to have it, that, too, influences the deal. The best deal I ever made on a car was when I didn’t need the car but was curious enough to visit a showroom and look at some new models. When I didn’t like the price, I said thank you and started for the door. This happened several times, the last time when I actually got to my car in the lot before the salesman followed me out to tell me he just was able to get a special reduction from the branch manager, etc.

    Zalenskyy is and was in no position to walk away. Without a deal, he and his people are finished. Trump knows this and is in the catbird seat on this deal. Trump could easily fold up and walk away and that’s exactly what he did. When Zalenskyy returns, it will be on Trump’s terms.

    Zalenskyy came to the WH yesterday not to close a deal but to renegotiate one. That’s a no-no with someone like Trump who was under the impression that the deal was set for closure.

    Probably the most salient point I heard in the last day or so was said by a pundit on the radio who began his analysis with a very accurate description: Zalenskyy and Trump do not like each other. This became very obvious yesterday and the world saw for the first time just how the “chemistry” between these two leaders influenced the outcome.

    How we put Humpy Dumpy together again should be very interesting!

  4. The bottom line, in my opinion:
    Hundreds of thousands are dead because the Biden administration was goaded into sending $100 billion+ of US taxpayer to fund the one participant in this conflict that the entire world knew, from the first day, could never possibly win.
    Has this been a wise expenditure for the US?
    If not, shouldn’t we try to end it as quickly as possible?

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