Eye-Popping Statistics on Beliefs and Politics

According to the Christian Post:

Belief that people making marriage and having children are priorities:

Trump supporters 59%, Biden supporters 19%

Discomfort with women not taking their husbands’ last names when married:

Trump supporters 37%, Biden supporters 13%

View the declining birthrate in the US as bad:

Trump supporters 47%, Biden supporters 23%

Think abortion should be legal in most cases:

Trump supporters 28%, Biden supporters 46%

Believe widespread access to contraception is good:

Trump supporters 66%, Biden supporters 93%

Believe gender identity is determined by the sex assigned at birth:

Trump supporters 90%, Biden supporters <41%

Comfortable with people using gender-neutral pronouns:

Trump supporters 20%, Biden supporters 66%

Disapprove of increasing LGBT identification among the population:

Trump supporters 53%, Biden supporters 13%

Disapprove of same-sex marriage:

Trump supporters 51%, Biden supporters 12%

Believe the Bible should have great impact on US laws:

Trump supporters 36%, Biden supporters 11%

Believe government should promote Christian values:

Trump supporters 59%, Biden supporters 22%

The natural tendency would be to focus on the errant values of Biden supporters. But how does this poll arouse additional concern? The fact that Trump voters’ values on so many of these questions are equivocating at best.

This poll is a good illustration of where our country is right now, but it also explains in part why the Republicans are so weak.


2 thoughts on “Eye-Popping Statistics on Beliefs and Politics

  1. Yes, Trump supporters straddling the fence on some of theses issues is troubling.

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