Roy Cooper Being Sized Up For National Ticket?

Amidst Joe Biden’s travails, some new discussion is taking place. Governor Roy Cooper is being discussed as someone who could be the socialists’ answer for the national presidential ticket. The Daily Haymaker has some commentary.

That seems horrifying particularly in view of the fact that he was such a tyrant during the Covid pandemic. Whether he might be sized up for president, for vice-president or for a cabinet position is a matter for debate.

While he “checks the boxes” for the socialists from a number of standpoints, he is quite obviously a southern white male. It might be very difficult at this point for the modern Democratic Party to nominate such a person at the national level, even though Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton were successful decades ago.

It should be noted that some of the other socialist potential presidential candidates– notably Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer– also were major league Covid tyrants, as was Biden himself.

Cooper is someone who has consistently enjoyed unmerited political strength in the state of North Carolina. He consistently punches above his weight because the competition has been so weak.


2 thoughts on “Roy Cooper Being Sized Up For National Ticket?

    1. You’re right, Fred, that this ought to be considered Babylon Bee material. The fact Cooper is being discussed really demonstrates how lacking the socialists are in terms of potential candidates for a presidential ticket. They do not have a deep bench.

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