The Pained Reaction Against Megan Basham’s “Shepherds for Sale”

I have posted here at least a few interviews with Megan Basham discussing her new book that exposes the massive leftward drift within evangelical Christianity. Now, the book has been out for a couple of weeks, and there has been a sharp reaction against it.

Remain mindful that her work is heavily referenced with hundreds of footnotes. (The end of the book literally has 52 pages of footnotes). She only reported what had already been published elsewhere; and synthesized together a great deal of information.

J.D. Greear, the pastor of Summit Church in Durham, is mentioned frequently in the book. She identified six main areas in which he has demonstrated lapses. After the book was released, he wrote and disseminated a response that attempted to rationalize the various things he has done. The Dissenter did a great job rebutting a couple of his points.

Eric Metaxas also had a discussion with Keith Guinta that discusses the reaction against the book. This freewheeling discussion includes mentions of Campus Crusade for Christ (“Cru”): Francis Collins (Tony Fauci’s former boss at the National Institutes for Health); David French; Tim Keller; Rick Warren and his association with the World Economic Forum; and Curtis Chang of Duke Divinity School:
