The Duke Lacrosse Admission

This is a story that dates back nearly twenty years. A group of lacrosse players at Duke University were accused by a black woman of raping her. They were investigated and prosecuted for a prolonged period of time by the Durham County District Attorney, Mike Nifong.

These young men who played for the lacrosse team were not choir boys. They were sinners who fall short of God’s glory– as we all do.

But it was pretty clear nearly from the outset that they had been falsely accused. They were ultimately vindicated after they had been put through a prolonged firestorm.

Now, the black woman has finally admitted that she falsely accused them. I have pointed out previously (in connection with other matters) that it is not uncommon for women to make false accusations of this type; and that they have various motives for doing so.

Of interest is the fact that Governor Roy Cooper was the State Attorney General at that time. He allowed the high-profile charade to proceed for a prolonged period of time. He did not intervene in a timely manner and hold Nifong accountable when he needed to do so. He also failed to prosecute the black woman for making a false accusation.

When Cooper was State Attorney General, his people also prosecuted two Greensboro police officers in connection with the false race-based accusations that ultimately took down former police chief David Wray. They were ultimately acquitted.

These were two early indications that Roy Cooper was precisely the wrong person to be elected governor. And sure enough, he turned out to be a disaster.

The people of the state of North Carolina should have looked at his handling of the Duke lacrosse case and the Greensboro Police Department case before electing him to serve as governor. Had they done so, they should have concluded he was the wrong man for the job.


2 thoughts on “The Duke Lacrosse Admission

  1. Oh yes Roy Cooper was the wrong man to be governor and has culpability in the matter. The district attorney, Mike Nifong , was removed, disbarred, and very briefly jailed following court findings concerning his conduct in the Duke lacrosse case, primarily his conspiring with the DNA lab director to withhold exculpatory DNA evidence that could have acquitted the defendants.

    More than 18 years after the Duke lacrosse allegations, Crystal Mangum admits that she made it all up.
    “I testified falsely against [the lacrosse players] by saying that they raped me when they didn’t…I made up a story that wasn’t true…I hope that they can forgive me.” Now she said it was all lies. A little late.

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