Silver Linings in the Pro-Life Bill Passed by the NC General Assembly

Several days ago, we had reported here about the fact that the Republican attempt to tighten the abortion laws in North Carolina was half-hearted at best. The bill passed within the last several days. There are some good aspects to the legislation. The NC Values Coalition reports: The legislation also […]

The North Carolina Abortion “Compromise”: Before a Single Committee Hearing

The North Carolina Republicans in Raleigh trotted out this morning a group of female GOP legislators who would introduce their abortion bill. It includes a 12 week limit and also a variety of welfare state measures to “soften the blow”. They compromised before they had a single committee hearing on […]

How Certain Members of Congress Justify Opposing Treatment of Infants Born Alive

It must be noted that Jerry Nadler and Jan Schakowsky both are progressive/socialist Jewish Americans. This community– which also includes Kathy Manning, a Triad-area Congresswoman– tends to be relentlessly pro-abortion. Notice the lengths to which they are willing to stretch their logic in order to support the outcome they ardently […]